Tullamarine Concrete Victoria |
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Tullamarine Concrete Pty Ltd

Why choose us?

Professional Services

Our team of experts ensure only the best professional service when it comes to any Commercial and Residential concreting.

Affordable Solutions

We always offer the most competitive, affordable and budget-friendly quotations without compromising the quality of work.

Quality Guaranteed

We never prioritise quantity over quality. Our services always comes with the finest perfection and satisfaction guaranteed.

Extensive Experience

With more than 30 years of experience in concreting business, you can always expect the best results out of your concreting projects.


Welcome to Tullamarine Concrete Pty ltd. We are a group of professionals specializing in Raft Slabs, Waffle Pod Slabs, Factory  Floors, Concrete Tilt Panels and House or Factory Footings since 1989.


We initially started the company with a vision to provide quality concreting services at affordable and budget friendly quotes. Our long run of over 30 years in business has taught us the most effective procedures to perform your required concreting projects.

Waffle Pods

Waffle Pod Slab system is one of the most effective procedure for building new homes, commercial buildings and extensions with increased strength, longer dilatability, better quality, reduced building costs and they perform exceptionally well.

Tilt Panels

Concrete Tilt paneling begins with creation of these panels and wall of buildings on site. Each custom designed form or slab is created with wooden framework and steel reinforcing bars. Tilt panels are recognized to be environmentally friendly.


Concrete Footings are basically the first stage of house or building construction created to stop the foundation shifting from its original position. A well designed trench is the first step, followed by constraining it by different forms and pouring.